Deus ex Machina
“The visible world is no longer a reality and the unseen world is no longer a dream“. (W.B. Yeats)
In Greek theater, actors representing gods were suspended above the stage, the denouement of the play being brought about by their intervention.
In the same manner and as the title of the work suggests, a "god from the machine", a video projection of a virtual wire frame dancer hovers over the stage and is accompanied or counterpointed by real dancers. The virtual figure performs a short dance sequence, attempting somewhat clumsily the perfection of human movements, whilst each dancer then tries to imitate the Avatar's choreography and movement quality. An attempt, through computer aided choreography, to free ourselves from years of drilled ingrown tricks and habits that every dancer acquires during their career.
Deus ex Machina is the result of our first steps at using a computer software for dance (Life Forms 2.1) to create a choreography, and it developed into a comparison between live dancers and a virtual representation of a human body.
The suggestive connotations of a virtual wire frame skeleton model dancing within X-Ray pictures hovering over the stage, alongside the dark atmospheric music of Autechre, provides for a bleak and sombre ambience to the work in sharp contrast to the lively, rhythmic and at times virtuous choreography of the dancers.
The overall design of the work is in black and white with matching costumes and an escenography consisting of Dia-projections of X-Ray images, superimposed unto videos of the Life Form's software avatar.
The dance plays with images and movement elements to develop an hypnotic power.
“Deus ex Machina”: the man and his mirror image invite each other to dance. Excellent dancers float in front of the screen.. turns, jumps light as feathers, drawing lines in the expanse of the white floor..
A dance flow that works as the perpetual returning of breath, without effort and as if carried by a regular rhythmn drawn from an internal power. It appears as if coming from another “(Cyber)-Space”.
Eva Bucher/Tages Anzeiger
In the same manner and as the title of the work suggests, a "god from the machine", a video projection of a virtual wire frame dancer hovers over the stage and is accompanied or counterpointed by real dancers. The virtual figure performs a short dance sequence, attempting somewhat clumsily the perfection of human movements, whilst each dancer then tries to imitate the Avatar's choreography and movement quality. An attempt, through computer aided choreography, to free ourselves from years of drilled ingrown tricks and habits that every dancer acquires during their career.
Deus ex Machina is the result of our first steps at using a computer software for dance (Life Forms 2.1) to create a choreography, and it developed into a comparison between live dancers and a virtual representation of a human body.
The suggestive connotations of a virtual wire frame skeleton model dancing within X-Ray pictures hovering over the stage, alongside the dark atmospheric music of Autechre, provides for a bleak and sombre ambience to the work in sharp contrast to the lively, rhythmic and at times virtuous choreography of the dancers.
The overall design of the work is in black and white with matching costumes and an escenography consisting of Dia-projections of X-Ray images, superimposed unto videos of the Life Form's software avatar.
The dance plays with images and movement elements to develop an hypnotic power.
“Deus ex Machina”: the man and his mirror image invite each other to dance. Excellent dancers float in front of the screen.. turns, jumps light as feathers, drawing lines in the expanse of the white floor..
A dance flow that works as the perpetual returning of breath, without effort and as if carried by a regular rhythmn drawn from an internal power. It appears as if coming from another “(Cyber)-Space”.
Eva Bucher/Tages Anzeiger
Dance and Media Performance for Four Dancers
Artistic Direction, Choreography
Pablo Ventura
Gildas Diquero
Mariene Grade
Arlette Kunz
Dominik Schoetschel
Chiastic Slide / Autechre
Pablo Ventura
Arlette Kunz
Computer Animations
Pablo Ventura
Ueli Duttweiler
Suzanne Schwiertz
Premiere: Schauspiel Akademie-Theater. Zurich, Switzerland 1997.
©Pablo Ventura 1997.
In Memoriam Marino Rodríguez Cardenes (†1997)
Artistic Direction, Choreography
Pablo Ventura
Gildas Diquero
Mariene Grade
Arlette Kunz
Dominik Schoetschel
Chiastic Slide / Autechre
Pablo Ventura
Arlette Kunz
Computer Animations
Pablo Ventura
Ueli Duttweiler
Suzanne Schwiertz
Premiere: Schauspiel Akademie-Theater. Zurich, Switzerland 1997.
©Pablo Ventura 1997.
In Memoriam Marino Rodríguez Cardenes (†1997)